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Deseret News archives: On further review, Sir Malcom Campbell got his record on the Salt Flats

A look back at local, national and world events through Deseret News archives.
On Sept. 3, 1935, Sir Malcolm Campbell became the first person to drive an automobile more than 300 miles per hour, speeding across the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah.
But it initially looked like he’d come up short.
Campbell was a big deal when he traveled to Utah at the invitation of fellow speed enthusiast Ab Jenkins to try for a record run. Newspapers in Utah, and across the U.S. and Britain, followed his attempt to set his speed record in his famed Bluebird car.
He made his attempt on Sept. 3, and bettered his record mark of 276.8 mph, but was only clocked at 299.875 for his combined north-south run. Campbell was clocked at 304.311 miles an hour traveling north, but only 295.566 on the trip south. Records are set on a two-run average.
So Campbell planned to try again the next day in his 6-ton, 2,500-horsepower Bluebird.
But as the American Automobile Association timekeepers went over their electronically timed runs, they noticed an error that actually improved the drive’s second run.
The new time of 301.1292 miles an hour gave Campbell his dream run of a mile in 12 seconds.
A “silly mistake,” Campbell called it. He was delighted to get the record, but would have rather celebrated in the moment in style.
So Sir Malcolm loaded up his car and traveled back to Great Britain. He said he wanted to make sure his son Donald could start school on time.
Campbell died in 1948. Donald grew up and became a speed racer, and also set land speed and water speed records.
Here are some stories from Deseret News about the Bonneville Salt Flats and some of the speed attempts that have gone on there through the years:
“The need for speed — Bonneville Salt Flats is home to many world speed records”
“Salt-watchers keeping close eye on Bonneville”
“Sightless driver sets unique speed record”
“Deseret News aims to serve community’s best interests”
